Christeen's Concepts
Friday, November 19, 2010
All about me!
So I'm Christeen Concepcion, and this is my blogger. i named my blogger Christeen's Concepts because Concept is spelled almost likemy last name. I'm going to tell you a littlebit about myself. my favorite sports are volleyball and baseball. My favotite baseball team is The New York Yankees! I am a very cool person to hang around. I have plenty of friends and I am in the Performing arts Carrer Program at my school CCTS. thats all for now.!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Christeen Concepcion- Jacob's Rescue book review.
Jacobs Rescue is a touching story about a young boy named Jacob. Jacob has to go into hiding because he is Jewish. In the years 1938-1945, some type of dicrimination was going on towards Jews and other small groups of people, this was moslty towards the Jewish people. There was a man named Adolf Hitler, he started the whle thing. Hitler blamed Jews for war, finance problems and other major issues. Eventually Hitler began killing all of the Jewish people, therefore that is the reason why Jews had to go into hiding. Jacob and his family lived a happy life to themselves. Jacob and his sibling went to school every day like normal kids. When the Jews found out about the murders, and discrimination, Jacob a nd his siblngs had to stop going to school. After a while the family had to move out of there apartment and live with another family. This was risky because since there was dicrimination against Jews, anyone that was cought helping a Jew go into hiding was killed also. The family took care of Jacob and his family, untill one day they were almost cought, so they had to leave. After a couple of months in hiding, jacobs brother eventually passed away. Then Jacob had to find a way to survive. Jacobs family is torn apart, his mother was takin his brother ha passed, now all that was left to do is find a way to survuve. After all of the commotion in Germany, the U.S. decides to step in and help fight off the German Soldiers called Nazi's. Eventually after the war ends, Jacob has to find someone from his family to help take care of him. When I read this book I was touched by what this young boy has to go through to survive and live his happy life. I would recomend this book to people who enjoy learning and reading about the Holocaust. Jacob's Rescue is a must read. If you love to learn and read about the Holocaust, than you will love this book.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Christeen Concepcion
My Literacy History!
What is literacy? Literacy is not only the ability to read, but is also the ability to write. Literacy is all around us. In fact, we use it everyday. For example, we use literacy when we send/ receive a text message, when you read things on the television, and when even at school when you are doing work. Sometimes we use literacy when you don’t even expect that we do. The roots of literacy can be planted into a child at different ages, meaning, literacy can be introduced to kids at a variety of different ages. When I was younger, literacy was introduced to me when I was in kindergarten.
Ah kindergarten! The glory days, you will never forget that first day of school when you mother leaves you in a class full of strangers. Those strangers were there to help you but you didn’t know that. You thought you mother was leaving you forever. Well if it wasn’t for my mother leaving me with those stranger I call classmates and teachers, I don’t think I would be where I am today. My teacher introduced me to literacy, but of course, we used to call it reading and writing. She used to make us write our own names and read from a program called 100 book challenge. My teacher encouraged us to read and write as much as we could. She told us that life would be hard if we could not read or write. I used to think that she was just trying to get us to read and write whenever she told us to. My first experience with reading was the 100 book challenge program. It wasn’t easy but eventually I caught on and was reading book, after book, after book. When I was younger I had five favorite fairytales/books. My most favorite was The Three Billy Goats Gruff, then there was Were the Wild Things Are, next was Goldilocks and the Three Bears, after that was The Three Little Pigs, next was Rapunzel, and last was Little Red Riding Hood. reading book like these made me want to keep on reading forever.
For elementary school, I went to Woodlynne Public School. I read a lot there the 100 book challenge continued on from 1st grade all the way to 5th. Some of those books where so good that I decided to keep on reading, some books were so terrible, they made me want to stop reading, I just chose a new book every time. Inspiration is a good way to start something, or to keep something going. In 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade, I had some inspiration that made me want to never put a book down. First, there was Mrs. De’Marco, she would make us do a book report every month. She wanted us to get into reading so she used to read to us. She would change her voice to make herself sound like she is the character in the book. Also she would put up trivia questions about the book she is reading to us. Another teacher that inspired me to keep reading was my 5th grade teacher Mr. Loiacono also known as Mr. L Mr. L used to read to us whenever we had the chance to he was a great reader. He always told us that literacy means a lot in this world. Also, my 6th , 7th and 8th grade reading teacher Mrs. Mc Cann did almost everything that Mr. Loiacono and Mrs. De’Marco did. She was one of the best and coolest teacher I have ever had.
For middle school I also attended Woodlynne Public School. Even in middle school, I was always reading a book. Many people ask me who my favorite author is and I would tell them I don’t have one. I am an open minded person. I like to explore the different genre’s and authors. I don’t have a favorite genre, but I do read mysteries and romance often. If I had to pick a favorite genre, it would be mystery. All through my experience of reading I have read different types of genres, but I would prefer to stick to mystery book. I did try to read this drama book series, it was called Secrets in the Shadows, but the way that the book was put together as a story, it didn’t interest me much. In my 8th grade year, I began writing romance poems. Although I am not into certain books, I still love, and have a passion for reading and writing.
Now I’m in high school. My genre has yet to change, but I do hope to read different books this year. As the year goes by I want to read more books. I want to explore the open world of books. There is so much to read, and so little time. I want to keep my eyes open for opportunities to let my mind run free in a good book. I like to read poems also. They seem to interest me, the ones that rhyme. To here, and feel what people are trying to say interests me a lot, especially when I can put my self in the characters shoes, when I have some kind of connection with the character. I would consider myself a literate person. I would consider myself a considerate person because I enjoy reading and writing. Not only do I enjoy reading and writing, but I have a passion for it. Till this day I write romance poems. I use anything romantic that could help inspire me to write what I want, including my own life.
All in all, I feel like reading and writing is important to know. Although I love reading, I am currently not reading anything, but I do wish to read The Kite Runner. Literacy is important because you may not be able to get far in this world if you cannot read, or write. Literacy has helped me get through life because it teaches me different lessons in life, and helps me understand other people better. Literacy Is like a tree because it goes through the same cycle. The seed is planted of a tree, you are just learning about literacy. Over time the tree grows, you begin to learn more and more. The branches grow, you are getting much better and you begin to reach out to others in need of help. The leaves represent how many people you have now helped, and the people they have helped. The tree gets bigger and bigger as you learn more and more. Also, tree’s are growing world wide, and people are reading and writing world wide. Lets make like trees, and help benefit the world in our own ways using literacy.
My Literacy History!
What is literacy? Literacy is not only the ability to read, but is also the ability to write. Literacy is all around us. In fact, we use it everyday. For example, we use literacy when we send/ receive a text message, when you read things on the television, and when even at school when you are doing work. Sometimes we use literacy when you don’t even expect that we do. The roots of literacy can be planted into a child at different ages, meaning, literacy can be introduced to kids at a variety of different ages. When I was younger, literacy was introduced to me when I was in kindergarten.
Ah kindergarten! The glory days, you will never forget that first day of school when you mother leaves you in a class full of strangers. Those strangers were there to help you but you didn’t know that. You thought you mother was leaving you forever. Well if it wasn’t for my mother leaving me with those stranger I call classmates and teachers, I don’t think I would be where I am today. My teacher introduced me to literacy, but of course, we used to call it reading and writing. She used to make us write our own names and read from a program called 100 book challenge. My teacher encouraged us to read and write as much as we could. She told us that life would be hard if we could not read or write. I used to think that she was just trying to get us to read and write whenever she told us to. My first experience with reading was the 100 book challenge program. It wasn’t easy but eventually I caught on and was reading book, after book, after book. When I was younger I had five favorite fairytales/books. My most favorite was The Three Billy Goats Gruff, then there was Were the Wild Things Are, next was Goldilocks and the Three Bears, after that was The Three Little Pigs, next was Rapunzel, and last was Little Red Riding Hood. reading book like these made me want to keep on reading forever.
For elementary school, I went to Woodlynne Public School. I read a lot there the 100 book challenge continued on from 1st grade all the way to 5th. Some of those books where so good that I decided to keep on reading, some books were so terrible, they made me want to stop reading, I just chose a new book every time. Inspiration is a good way to start something, or to keep something going. In 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade, I had some inspiration that made me want to never put a book down. First, there was Mrs. De’Marco, she would make us do a book report every month. She wanted us to get into reading so she used to read to us. She would change her voice to make herself sound like she is the character in the book. Also she would put up trivia questions about the book she is reading to us. Another teacher that inspired me to keep reading was my 5th grade teacher Mr. Loiacono also known as Mr. L Mr. L used to read to us whenever we had the chance to he was a great reader. He always told us that literacy means a lot in this world. Also, my 6th , 7th and 8th grade reading teacher Mrs. Mc Cann did almost everything that Mr. Loiacono and Mrs. De’Marco did. She was one of the best and coolest teacher I have ever had.
For middle school I also attended Woodlynne Public School. Even in middle school, I was always reading a book. Many people ask me who my favorite author is and I would tell them I don’t have one. I am an open minded person. I like to explore the different genre’s and authors. I don’t have a favorite genre, but I do read mysteries and romance often. If I had to pick a favorite genre, it would be mystery. All through my experience of reading I have read different types of genres, but I would prefer to stick to mystery book. I did try to read this drama book series, it was called Secrets in the Shadows, but the way that the book was put together as a story, it didn’t interest me much. In my 8th grade year, I began writing romance poems. Although I am not into certain books, I still love, and have a passion for reading and writing.
Now I’m in high school. My genre has yet to change, but I do hope to read different books this year. As the year goes by I want to read more books. I want to explore the open world of books. There is so much to read, and so little time. I want to keep my eyes open for opportunities to let my mind run free in a good book. I like to read poems also. They seem to interest me, the ones that rhyme. To here, and feel what people are trying to say interests me a lot, especially when I can put my self in the characters shoes, when I have some kind of connection with the character. I would consider myself a literate person. I would consider myself a considerate person because I enjoy reading and writing. Not only do I enjoy reading and writing, but I have a passion for it. Till this day I write romance poems. I use anything romantic that could help inspire me to write what I want, including my own life.
All in all, I feel like reading and writing is important to know. Although I love reading, I am currently not reading anything, but I do wish to read The Kite Runner. Literacy is important because you may not be able to get far in this world if you cannot read, or write. Literacy has helped me get through life because it teaches me different lessons in life, and helps me understand other people better. Literacy Is like a tree because it goes through the same cycle. The seed is planted of a tree, you are just learning about literacy. Over time the tree grows, you begin to learn more and more. The branches grow, you are getting much better and you begin to reach out to others in need of help. The leaves represent how many people you have now helped, and the people they have helped. The tree gets bigger and bigger as you learn more and more. Also, tree’s are growing world wide, and people are reading and writing world wide. Lets make like trees, and help benefit the world in our own ways using literacy.
Reading History
Thursday, September 23, 2010

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was one of the most shocking and touching books i have ever read. I had to read this book for a summer reading project and i could not take my eyes away from the pages. This book took me a day in a half to read. I thought it was sad when the little girl dies. This book was not totally differnt then the movie but some parts were. The Bridge to teribithis was about this little boy who went into the woods near his house and found that there was a kingdome back there. Sooner or later he finds that this kingdome was compleatly imaginery. One day the boy met this girl at school and they became such goosd friends that he brought her to this imaginery place called Teribithia. They soon find out that his friend can see the same imaginary plac along with the imaginery creatures. Later in the story they girl tells the boy to bring his little sister to Teribithia because she would enjoy it, but he always said no. The two would go to Teribithia everyday and jusr have fun. Untill oneday the boy had to go somewhere. The girl decided to go to Teribithia alone. When the boy returns he finds his friend dead. She had tried to swing on the rope over the water to get to Teribithia, but didnt make it. If i am not mistaking she slipped off of the rope. The boy then realizes what he has to do. he builds a bridge over the water,and eventually brings his little sister to Teribithia blindfolded. He then takes off the blind fold (she can see the imaginary world as well). she says "what is this place. and the boy says " It's Teribithia, its whatever you want it to be. After he tells her that, he crowns her the Queen of Teribithia. this story was so sad. it just kept getting more and more interesting as i read on. i would highly recommend this to my friends and family. The Bridge to Teribithia is a must read!
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